Here’s your chance to get your own personalized championship introduction just like the pro fighters by the one and only Bruce Buffer. Show off to your friends, family, opponents, fans, co-workers & acquaintances with the recording of a lifetime by the voice of MMA!!
Get your own personalized recorded audio file and/or video. We accommodate personalized Corporate and Commercial Greetings, Special Events, Weddings, Championship Introductions, Birthdays, Birth Announcements, Bar Mitzvahs and more based on your individual needs and requests! Click links below for more detail about each option being offered!
$159 - Personal Audio / Voicemail Recordings can be purchased HERE
$419 - Personal Video Recordings can be purchased HERE
 See below for examples of work:
Have a custom voicemail created by celebrity announcer Bruce Buffer. If you want a celebrity to record a customized or personalized voicemail for you then look no further than Inscriptagraphs Memorabilia. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) announcer Bruce Buffer can custom create a personalized voicemail or video recording for his fans or people looking to have a custom recording for a special event or for a business. Inscriptagraphs gives fans the opportunity to have an MMA legend and ring announcer who is also related to Michael Buffer, create a special personalized message for whatever special occasion including for a Graduation, Corporate Event, Birthday, Anniversary, Official Boxing or Fighting event, Birth Announcement, Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, 30th or 40th Birthday Event, Surprise Birthday Party, Quinceanera, Holiday Party & much more!! Custom order a celebrity video or audio recording today! Have your voicemail message recorded by a celebrity today!
All videos, audio recordings and photos are owned by Bruce Buffer. IT'S TIME
® is a trademarked phrase owned by Bruce Buffer and may not be reproduced or used without the permission of Bruce Buffer.Â